
The national birth cohort on-site implementation of internal seminars and exchange meetings was successfully held in Nanjing.


2018, the National Birth Cohort on-site implementation of internal seminars and exchanges held in Nanjing Medical University Birth Queue Research Center successfully. Nearly 20 field staff from Suzhou State Hospital, Wuxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Changzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital participated in the meeting. 


The meeting focused on the implementation of the birth queue site construction experience, the center site staff took turns to make a statement, discussed enthusiastically. Also carried out the key technologies including member system management, sample collection and processing, information excerpts training. At the same time, the meeting commended 2 special contributions awards and 6 outstanding bidders for on-site work in 2017. Vice-President Zhibin Hu, Vice-President Guangfu Jin and Director Hongxia Ma issued certificates for everyone.


The meeting summed up the experience of birth cohort on-site work, strengthened the exchange and communication among the centers in Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou, and further promoted the implementation of project standardization.

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