
The Birth Cohort Research Center successfully held a training meeting for urine sample delivery and packaging


On November 1, the Birth Cohort Research Center held a trainingmeeting for urine outbound, repackaging and restocking at G403 of the School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University. About 20 faculty, staff and graduatestudents participated in the training meeting.

The training meeting determined the task and work plan of the recenturine sample storage and exit, and carried out the division of labor.Subsequently, detailed explanations were made from the aspects of volumecontrol, quality assurance, and supervision, and each step of the urine samplestorage and exit work was finely divided and implemented. The participantscarefully studied and recorded the main points of work.

This training meeting clarified the importance of doing a good jobin the storage and retrieval of urine samples, and planned the development planof specific work in the near future, which has positive practical significance.


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