On September 20,the national key research and development program "Reproductive Health andthe Prevention and Control of Major Birth Defects" Key Special Project"Basic Research on the Establishment and Application of Chinese PopulationAssisted Reproductive Population and Its Offspring Cohort" "NationalBirth Cohort Follow-up BayleyⅢ DevelopmentScale Evaluation Training was held in the meeting room on the 7th floor ofBuilding 4, Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital. More than 50graduate students from the Birth Cohort Research Center of Nanjing MedicalUniversity and related personnel from the Pediatrics Department of Nanjing Maternaland Child Health Hospital participated in the training meeting. This training containstwo sessions, the theoretical and practical training. We invited 1 yearold and 3 year old volunteers. The trainees evaluated the development of twovolunteers according to the operating specifications of the Bayley Ⅲ Developmental Scale.
Through thistraining, the trainees learned about Bayley-Ⅲ evaluation principles and scoring methods. In a livelyand rigorous atmosphere, this training event came to a successful conclusion.