
Center staff participated in the 2020 China Integrated Biological SamplingConference


From September 16 toSeptember 18, the "2020 China Integrated Biological SamplingConference" co-sponsored by the China Medical Biotechnology Associationand the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences was successfully held in HangzhouHaihai Crown Hotel. More than 600 scholars in the fields of biobank,translational medicine and precision medicine attended the conference.

The conference mainlyfocuses on China's biological sample bank blockchain and resource network,biological sample and transformation research, biological sample science andbiosafety, cryobiology and living bank, human genetic resource management,cohort design training, and biological sample bank standardization constructionand application.

Ten staff from thecenter attended the meeting. President Shen and President Hu respectivelybrought wonderful reports "Promoting population genomics and precisionprevention based on cohort biological samples" and "Progress in theconstruction and application of Jiangsu birth cohort". Center staff wentto the meeting to learn, exchange and achieve good training effect.

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