
Sci Rep: The sex ratio of singleton and twin delivery offspring in assisted reproductive technology in China


Mengxi Chen,Jiangbo Du, Jing Zhao, Hong Lv, Yifeng Wang, XiaoJiao Chen, Junqiang Zhang,Lingmin Hu, Guangfu Jin, Hongbing Shen, Zhibin Hu, Fang Xiong, Li Chen, XiufengLing


Inorder to evaluate the impact of assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedureand individual factors on the sex ratio of singletons and twins at birth afterin vitro fertilization (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)treatment in China. We conducted a retrospective cohort study includingpatients undergoing their first cycle of IVF or ICSI with autologous oocytesfrom 2001 to 2015. A total of 7410 babies were born from 5832 women with 7410live birth. The secondary sex ratio (SSR) in singletons was significantlyhigher than twins (53.97% vs. 50.89%, P = 0.009). The largest disparity wasobserved in 'thawed blastocyst embryos ICSI' subgroup that SSR was 59.84% insingletons and 42.45% in twins (P = 0.013). Blastocyst transfer was positivelyassociated with elevated SSR when compared to cleavage stage embryos in singletons(Odds Ratio [OR] = 1.17, P < 0.001). In addition, paternal age wassignificantly associated with SSR (OR = 0.75, P = 0.014). While the decrease ofSSR was significantly associated with ICSI when compared to IVF (OR = 0.61, P =0.046) in twins. Blastocyst transfer increases SSR in comparing with cleavagestage embryos in singletons, while the use of ICSI reduces SSR in twins. Ourfindings offered important complement for better understanding the underlyingdeterminant of SSR in ART offspring.


Chen M, Du J, Zhao J, Lv H, Wang Y, Chen X, Zhang J, Hu L, Jin G, Shen H, Hu Z, Xiong F, Chen L, Ling X. The sex ratio of singleton and twin delivery offspring in assisted reproductive technology in China. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 24;7(1):7754. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06152-9. PMID: 28839144; PMCID: PMC5570918.

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