
Gut Microbes: Alternations of gut microbiota composition in neonates conceived by assisted reproductive technology and its relation to infant growth


Qun Lu, Yuan Lin,Ting Chen, Hong Lv, Feiyang Diao, Cong Liu, Meijuan Peng, Xiufeng Ling, Hong Li,Yun Wang, Yongyue Wei, Jiangbo Du, Guangfu Jin, Yankai Xia, Hongxia Ma, XingyinLiu, Hongbing Shen, and Zhibin Hu

The gut microbiome in newborns may be strongly influenced by their intrinsichost microenvironmental factors (e.g., the gestational age) and has been linkedto their short-term growth and potentially future health. It is yet unclearwhether early microbiota composition is significantly different in newbornsconceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART) when compared with thosewho were conceived spontaneously. Additionally, little is known about the effectof gut microbiota composition on weight gain in early infancy. We aimed tocharacterize the features and the determinants of the gut microbiome in ARTnewborns and to assess the impact of early microbiota composition on theirweight gain in early infancy in mother-infant dyads enrolled in the ChinaNational Birth Cohort (CNBC). Among 118 neonates born by ART and 91 neonatesborn following spontaneous conception, we observed significantly reduced gutmicrobiota α-diversity and declined Bacteroidetes relative abundance in ART neonates.The microbiota composition of ART neonates was largely driven by specific ARTtreatments, hinting the importance of fetus intrinsic host microenvironment onthe early microbial colonization. Following up these neonates for six monthsafter their births, we observed the effects of gut microbiome composition oninfant rapid weight gaining. Collectively, we identified features anddeterminants of the gut microbiota composition in ART neonates, and providedevidence for the importance of microbiota composition in neonatal growth.


Lu Q, Lin Y, Chen T, Lv H, Diao F, Liu C, Peng M, Ling X, Li H, Wang Y, Wei Y, Du J, Jin G, Xia Y, Ma H, Liu X, Shen H, Hu Z. Alternations of gut microbiota composition in neonates conceived by assisted reproductive technology and its relation to infant growth. Gut Microbes. 2020 Nov 9;12(1):1794466. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2020.1794466. PMID: 32752913; PMCID: PMC7524295. 

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